WhO we ARE

Alaquid Trading is a sole proprietorship establishment founded in 1992 by Air Defense Colonel (Ret.) Ghazi Jiza Al Harbi .
After graduating with a bachelor degree majoring in Military Science from the Military Academy, he started his Military career in the Air Defense Forces. Throughout his Military career, he has been trained, in Saudi Arabia and overseas, in different areas such as Air Defense Systems, Intelligence, Security and Electronic Warfare. He worked in different divisions within the Air Defense Forces, on field and off field, and the last position held by Colonel (Ret.) Al Harbi was as the Intelligence Director of the Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces (RSADF) until his retirement in 1992.


Al Aquid Trading, as a representative of many international companies, provides consultancy services on importing military equipment, security systems, ammunition, weapons of mass destruction and protection, simulators, IT solution, and training programs to the military sectors like MOD, MOI and National Guard.


Al Aquid Trading is a partner with a number of international and local companies within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries markets. The following is a list of some of these international companies.


Al Aquid Trading specializes in introducing products, systems and services to decision makers in the Military and Security Sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Countries.


Contact Form

Postal Code

P.O.Box 842 Riyadh 14213
Eastern Ring Road Exit 14 N.
Watany Center Office no:18, Over HyperPanda​
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


 +966 11 4979700
+966 11 4979588
+966 55 5405111

س . ت : 1010092326-7002087992 – ص.ب. 842 الرياض 14213- تليفون 114979700 – فاكس : 114979588 – الدائري الشرقي – مخرج 14 شمال – مركز وطني – مكتب رقم 18 – فوق هايبر بندة –  رقم العضوية 39879
C.R.1010092326-7002087992 –P.O.Box 842 Riyadh 14213–Tel.: 11 4979700–Fax: 11 4979588–Eastern Ring Road – Exit 14 North – Watani Center – Office No: 18 – over HyperPanda – C.C. NO. 39879

س . ت : 1010092326-7002087992 – ص.ب. 842 الرياض 14213- تليفون 114979700 – فاكس : 114979588 – الدائري الشرقي – مخرج 14 شمال – مركز وطني – مكتب رقم 18 – فوق هايبر بندة – رقم العضوية 39879
C.R.1010092326-7002087992 –P.O.Box 842 Riyadh 14213–Tel.: 11 4979700–Fax: 11 4979588–Eastern Ring Road – Exit 14 North – Watani Center-Office No: 18 – over HyperPanda C.C. NO. 39879